Cars : Merc Benz CLS

I’ve uploaded 6 pics that I collected thru email over the past 6 months. Some say it’s a ‘sexy’ machine… You can view/download them from my flickr page. 6 CLSes in 5 vibrant colors. Visit your nearest C&C dealer to book one today !

Iftar – Putrajaya Lake Club

The price is RM 37 + The ambience is nice because you get that airy feeling. The buffet spread? Based on yesterday’s menu, there were the main dishes i.e. plain rice, fried mee hoon, chicken, fish, beef, lamb, calamari & some smoked salmon. Appetizers included rojak buah & laksa. Dessert included a few porridges & … Continue reading

Streamyx is ON !

Finally, after many many weeks in a game of ‘chasing the vendor’, I finally got my streamyx account! I must also acknowledge the intervention of some friends from TM. Lets just put it this way, the vendor sent me a final sms stating “your application has been rejected, please go to the nearest TM Point … Continue reading

Offline since 27th September

Hi everybody !!! So, I’m sure you all noticed that I’ve been offline for more than 2 weeks now.  But the blog stats have been steadily flowing in. Alhamdulillah! Mainly, I’ve had 2 restrictions. 1 as you all know is that my notebook was in the ‘OT’ at Fujitsu Malaysia for a LCD housing transplant. … Continue reading